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Half-Life: Natural Selection

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коды к игре Half-Life: Natural Selection

Игра Half-Life: Natural Selection
коды к игре Half-Life: Natural Selection

NOTE: sv_cheats must be set to 1 in order for these cheats to work.
spawnhive - As an alien, creates a random new hive for your team

killhive - As an alien, destroys a random hive

addcat x - X where is 1-4. Adds a random upgrade
category, just like you had built an upgrade chamber (1 is defense, 2 used to be offense, 3 is movement, 4 is sensory)

removecat x - Take a guess.

givepoints (bound to F11 by default) - Gives you some points

killall - Kills all players in the game with your current weapon (won`t kill teammates unless FF is on via tournament mode)

invul - Toggles invulnerability for yourself.

startgame - Starts game immediately (untested for awhile)

endgame - Ends the current game (as a victory for team one). You can also type ``endgame 1`` for the same effect. If you type ``endgame 2``, it will be a victory for team 2.

tooltip lala - Adds a tooltip named ``lala``. It will translate this tooltip if found in titles.txt, if possible.

testevent - Plays a ``you just got points for killing the enemy event``, for testing where the commander can see events (he can`t sometimes, when hovering over the void, or inside geometry)

getnumplayers - Reports the current number of human players
startcommandermode - Teleports you near the first command station it finds and starts commander mode. This will sometimes teleport you inside geometry.

stopcommandermode - Drops you out of command mode, useful when your mouse or the logout button stops working

web - Gives you the effects of having just touched one web. Use multiple times to simulate touching multiple webs.

setculldistance x - Used by mappers to find the minimum culling distance needed for commander mode on their maps.

setgamma x - Sets the current env_gamma level, where x is a number from 1.0 to 2.0. This affects all players.

bigdig - All buildings are built instantly, doesn`t require manual building

hightech - All research happens nearly instantly

orderself - When commanding and giving orders, this will give the orders to yourself, so you can logout and see how they look on the HUD. There`s no way to stop doing this after you`ve used this cheat.

editps - Used to edit a particle system

listps - Lists all particle systems in NS and in the map

buildminimap - Generates a new minimap. Very CPU intensive. Saved in the ns/sprites/minimaps directory.

crash - Causes NS to crash.

assert - Causes NS to assert

run - Runs a server-side script. Ignore this until scripting is more in place.

clientrun - Runs a client-side script.

giveupgrade x - Gives an upgrade. 20-22 are the marine armor upgrades, 23-25 are the marine damage upgrades, 28 is jetpacks, 29 is power armor, 31 is faster reinforcements, 33 is motion-tracking, 26 is siege, 27 is stimpack, 30 is distress beacon

removeupgrade x - Like giveupgrade but removes one.

killcs - Kills all command stations.

attackcs - Does a little damage to one command station

alert - Generates a random alert.

parasite - Parasites self (no damage)

paralyze - Paralyzes self (like level 5 ability)

boxes - Draws boxes around all buildables (not sure if this still works). Effect goes away after a short time.

overflow - Tries to overflow player.

deathmessage - Sends test death message to all. Example: ``deathmessage machinegun``, ``deathmessage bitegun``

setskin x - Sets the players skin (0 for white marine, 1 for black marine)

redeem - Makes it easier to test redemption

-from natural-selection.org forums


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